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A New Year!


Whewy! What a year! 2017 was such a good year. I will mostly remember it as a year of being pregnant for 80% of it, but that didn't hold me back from making a lot of business and life changes! As far as life goes, we sold our first home, moved in with my parents for 5 months, paid of some debt and got very anxious we would never find a house, then we found a new home that we fell in love with, begged the sellers for it and GOT IT! We moved into our new home in the middle of Septemeber, the height of wedding season for me, and I became a nesting queen! That house was in tip top living shape within like two weeks, but what can I say, i love to nest! On top of all of this life excitement, my business was booming. I photographed over 20 weddings, met some of the most amazing couples, traveled to Los Angelos, Savannah, Milwaukee, and Michigan to shoot the sweetest most beautiful wedding days. My sisters talent as a second-shooter was exceptional and we made such a great team. I truly feel this was one of my favorite years yet as a wedding photographer! 

The most monumental part of 2017 was marked by the birth of our sweet beautiful Shepherd James Huff. He was born December 11th, 2017 at 10:33 in the evening after a whirlwind day of unexpected labor. I don't know if you've been following for long, but Luna's birth was a very difficult and traumatic experience for us (which you can read about here). I was really hoping Shepherd's birth would end a little less traumatizing, but unfortunately that didn't go as planned. It started out smoothly and I walked into the hospital 8 cm dilated, not realizing how far into labor i truly was. My doctor was not there that evening and her and I had a plan, I would only push for 1 hour and if it did not progress she would do a C-section in order to avoid a similar situation to my first birth. Once I started pushing though things took a dramatic turn. All of the fear and anxiety from Luna's birth overwhelmed my body and after an hour and a half of pushing i was in a complete state of panic and the baby was not budging. The epidural had completely worn off. I couldn't catch my breath. My body was in excruciating pain and the doctors and nurses just were not advocating for what i truly needed, which was another C-section. Eventually I ended up in the operating room in which I barely recall and woke up to the sight of the most chubby, perfect, beautiful baby boy I have ever seen. Our sweet Shepherd was here and in perfect health. All praise to the LORD! He is so so good. After he was born we received some hard news about my body and the future of our family, and I also received a catheter to wear around for 2 whole weeks. I know it may seem so silly in the grand scheme of life, but those were 2 weeks really emotionally difficult for me. Yet, God was so so sweet and merciful and provided us with amazing support and strength to make it through. We are now almost 7 weeks out from his birth and it truly feels like months and months ago. My body is healing ok and our hearts are starting to heal too. Shepherd is the most soft and special little boy and He has brought nothing but pure joy to our world! Luna is obsessed with him and can't wait to wake up in the morning to snuggle up to her baby brother. There is nothing this mama heart couldn't be more thankful for. If you've ever experienced a traumatic birth I would love to talk to you and pray for you. It's something you just never think will happen to you and when you start deeply thinking about it it can really mess with your brain. Thinking of the women years ago who may not have had the same outcome as us rips a whole in a place in my heart that I didn't even know I was capable of feeling. I seriously don't know how anyone experiences these parts of life without hope in Jesus, He truly is the only one who has brought absolute perfect peace in all of this and we are so thankful for this. 

As for 2018! We are starting it with healed and whole hearts. I've got a list of amazing brides and grooms i get to meet and work with this year and i'm so stinkin excited!! Every year I sit and pray over this business and pray that God would provide it with exactly what and who it needs. I am so honored to be the one chosen to document such a special day in people's lives. Marriage is one of my absolute favorite things in this life-time and it is such a joy to get to be a part of a wedding day in this small way! Clients this year, I am praying over you and your hearts as you prepare for this big big journey and special day! That you would feel nothing but JOY and PEACE entering into your wedding vows and that you would have the most fun ever as you enter into marriage as ONE!!!!! Thank you for choosing me, it's a deep deep honor that I will never take for granted!



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an update on us, the huffs.


I like keeping it real with people, I kind of feel like its my thing. I would never want someone to look at my life and think that girl has it ALL together, because Lord knows I don't. But, in life, I thrive to be a really authentic and genuine person with the people I let in. I think it's why my business has worked for the time that it has. I may not be the most organized, the most passionate, the most creative business owner out there, but I do feel like I pride myself deeply on connecting with the people I work with and allowing them in and giving them the place to feel themselves with me. 

So in honor of keeping it real, here is a little life update for you all. It may explain my lack of presence here lately, or maybe not, but it is what it is.

First, we're pregnant!! We are expecting another sweet baby to join our family sometime in the middle of december. After experiencing a miscarriage a year ago, it truly is such an honor to carry this baby and know that God has it in the palm of His hands. We are thankful, grateful, humbled, and excited! 


Secondly, in April we sold our first home we ever bought. It was seriously a whirlwind. We quickly realized the value of the houses in our neighborhood were on the rise and with a lot of prayer and confusion, we made the decision to place our house on the market. At the time it felt so right. People loved our house and we got an offer within a week of placing it on the market. There was a bit of a roller coaster getting to the closing of the house, but it happened and we were well, homeless. Not really, we've been living with my gracious and understanding parents for the past 3 months. Its been really good and really hard. Really good in the aspect that we have been able to save a lot of money, pay off some debt, get extra help with Luna, and just lay low for a bit. It's been really hard in the sense that we are reaching a point where we feel like we're losing hope. It feels like we will never find a home. I know it's only been three months but we have looked at so many houses and the market is just crazy and we feel so lost and like we have no sense of clarity in this whole process. We don't know where God is leading us, we don't know where we are supposed to live, we don't even know if we're supposed to be buying a home or not. It's been a really taxing season on our brains as we just don't really know where to go from here. Most days I mourn ever moving in the first place. Like maybe we didn't know how truly good we had it, and that is the lie Satan feeds me. We are currently patiently waiting on the Lord to lead this process. I would really love to find a home by September, before the craziness of fall wedding season begins and I can settle before we have another baby! You're prayers are coveted for us. I know it's really really not a big deal at all, and one day I'll look back on this time and think it was so silly for my heart to be so torn. But sometimes, that's just how life is, ya know? Sometimes you just have to trudge through the shit to get to where you're supposed to truly be. (Here are some photos the amazing Lexi of Doodle Shots took for us the day we found out we were moving, photos i'll treasure for a lifetime.) 

Lastly, I truly am a blessed woman and I do feel like I am undeserving of this life I have been given. It is a good one indeed. To be in love with a man so gracious and kind, tender and pure. To have a family that would take us in when we needed help. To be able to do a job I absolutely adore and get to stay home with my baby. To have a heavenly Father who is always way bigger than my tiny eyes can see. These are the truths I am clinging to. I am thankful for you all, that you would take the time to read these parts of my life and care. I am hopeful when it feels a little hopeless and I am grateful grateful so so grateful. 

Here's to finishing out 2017 strong!!! 

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a sweet little journey.


So, here it is. I've been debating on whether or not this space should be sacred photography grounds or a place that is open to all topics. As the owner and operator of this business I guess I can honestly do whatever I want. right?  Yet, that's not really how I work. How I work is truly from a place of genuine passion, drive, love and connection with the images I get to make with people who trust me with this job! Therefore, I want this place to be a reflection of that. I post lots of things photography here, but when people hire me, i want them to feel like the kind of know me! That's why I share more, and I think i'm going to keep it that way! I'm going to officially open this space up to more than just wedding photos and engagement sessions, i want to show you glimpses into what my life is like. I would not be the photographer or business owner that I am today if it wasn't for my family and friends and experiences! So, all this to say! What all do you want to know?!? What sorts of images would you want to see more of? Any moms and business owners out there want to know what my life looks like? I'm so excited to open this up! 

a sweet end to a special journey with my luna.

I decided to nurse Luna. It's not a choice every mom makes and I am very much a proponent of doing whatever you gotta do to stay sain as a mama and to have a happy and healthy baby! For us, nursing worked. She latched right away after she was born, drank it up and there really weren't very many hiccups. It just worked for us. It doesn't work for everyone and that is OK! Repeat, that is OK! (I really don't like when women feel like they have to mother a specific way, because it's seriously the MOST unique experience ever). Anywho, Luna is now almost 15 months old. She eats everything in sight and nurses too. I got into this tricky, yet really sweet, habit of nursing her before I laid her down for both her naps and at bedtime. So, now I feel a little stuck in that pattern. I also got into the tricky, yet really sweet, habit of nursing her in the middle of the night when she wakes up. Homegirl loves to NOT sleep through the night, and nurse whenever she i've been putting off weening because it's going to be quite the adjustment all around. Mama needs a full night of sleep and i can just feel that we are both ready to stop nursing. Taking these breaks in my day to take care of my baby in this way the past 15 months has been so special to me. I'm not naturally a restful person, and what a blessing it has been to be forced to just sit and breathe and stare at my baby girl. So yesterday my sister came over so I could take some photos of her three girls at my house and I asked her take a couple photos of Luna and I nursing. I think I want to do this with all my babies and i'm so excited to start that tradition.

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personal kaitlyn huff personal kaitlyn huff

Wood Watches by JORD (collaboration)


Joe and I are really into these Wood Watches by Jord right now! They are made out of wood and they make a perfect gift! My husband is a watch guy through and through and when I showed him this watch He loved it. Joe chose the Olive and Acacia watch and its the perfect cozy/manly/winter watch for my cozy/manly/winter babe! Right now! If you follow this link my followers will be entered into a contest to win a $100 gift code to use towards a watch! Anyone who enters will automatically receive a $25 gift code towards one of these luxurious watches :) I mean, how can you pass that up! 


this is a partnership post. If you're interested in collaborating please fill out the contact form :) 





link to our men's shop :

To link to our women's shop :

To link to your watch:

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personal kaitlyn huff personal kaitlyn huff



pause the business, my baby turned one.


Your birth story, sweet Luna, is one to be told. All birth stories are powerful, and the pure amazingness that God created life through the womb of a mother is powerful in and of itself! Truly. Yours; Luna, was extra special to your dad and I. It was painful, scary, breathtaking, traumatizing and beautiful. It was a weekend we will never ever forget, for as long as we are on this earth.





It was Thursday morning and I had woken up from a night full of minute contracting that left me sleepless. I even had some obvious signs that labor had started. Alas, around 6 in the morning I was finally able to rest my eyes, and when I woke up 3 hours later all of the pain was gone. I was already a week late at this point, so the disappointment of a restless night that led to an uneventful morning was quite evident. Tears were shed, because that’s what you do when you’re 41 weeks pregnant and still see no end in sight. My mom came over in the morning to check and see if any progress was made. She was a labor and delivery nurse for 25 years, so although this might sound strange to the outsider, to the super pregnant self it was not strange at all. She was our built in doula, a constant support and dictionary of information and guidance. The day continued and I chose to devote the day to resting. You see, I am not very good at this topic and rarely devote myself to watching a whole movie or sitting still. Joe and I stayed in our sweatpants all day and watched some movies or something. Come to think of it, we might have gone somewhere that day (this part is a blur). I do remember that we cozied up to the movie Goodwill Hunting and I surprisingly enjoyed it.  




The night continued, and my sleep was often interrupted by contractions- painful, but bearable, nothing too noticeable at this point. Again, I woke up in the morning and they were completely gone. In order to cope with the frustration of not being in labor like I thought, Joe and I took a healing trip to target. I love target a lot, like a lot, so at this point Target was the only thing making me happy! Filled up my diet coke, picked out a cart, and we went for a stroll. Perusing the isles, looking through baby clothes, aweing at all the premature Christmas decorations. It was during our stroll that I started to notice some pain again. About every 10 minutes I would have to stop walking, take a deep breath, and hold on to the cart a little bit tighter. We started timing them and headed to my parents house down the street to pass the time. While I was there things became a little more exciting…and painful. The contractions were intensifying and stopping me in my tracks. Around seven in the evening we went over to my sisters for dinner. At this point I wanted to do anything to pass the time, we were tired of sitting around and looking at the clock at home. While my sister was making chili, I was getting a little overwhelmed by the pain I was experiencing. The contractions were a close five minutes apart. We made the decision to call the doctor but unfortunately my doctor was out of town for the week. I was desperate and wanted to have this baby soon. The doctor told us to come into the hospital but wouldn’t induce me if there was no progress made. Surely I had made progress. This was labor. This wasn’t the kind of pain you can just ignore! We went into the hospital and the nurse checked me, and to no avail I had not made any progress. I immediately burst into tears. I couldn’t stop crying. They suggested that we take a 45 minute walk around the unit and come back to get checked. I was so so so frustrated.. What was a stupid walk around the unit going to do? How are you supposed to walk when every 4 minutes you have to squat on the floor and rock because you can’t stand up? Why wouldn’t the doctor just induce the 41 week, miserably pregnant lady? All of these questions rushed through my head and I couldn’t handle it. I cried my way through that unit for 45 minutes, walking in circles, avoiding the eye contact of others, I was so upset! When we returned to the triage no progress had been made. We sunk our heads, walked to the car, and I cried the whole way home. It was around 11:00 pm at this point.


Once we got home, things got really intense for me. The contractions were very painful and very close together. Joe and I couldn’t handle it alone so I called my mom and asked her to come over and help. It was midnight at this point. Although looking back at this time the pain was intense, I look back at these moments fondly. I labored with my best friend and mother by my side in the comfort of our home. We created a calming environment. I sat in the rocking chair with one person on each side. Each time a contraction came I visualized myself floating up a wave and then back down. Breathing deep breaths. Over and over again, rocking back and forth. I am so blessed to have the support of my husband and mother there to help me. I don’t know what I would have done without them.




Around 3:30 in the morning, after intense labor pains for about 4 hours, I couldn’t take it any longer. The thought of doing this for another 3 hours until morning was terrifying to me. We called the doctor and decided to go to the hospital…again. I walked back into the room I had weepily walked out of 5 hours earlier, was checked by the same nurse, and had progressed to 5 cm! This was huge! I went from nothing to half way there in a matter of 4 hours, no wonder it hurt so bad! This is the moment I will say to all the mama’s out there that do this naturally, you are amazing! I kept thinking of you at this time and how I couldn’t even think of going through another hour. They set me up for our hospital stay and called for the epidural right away. We got to our room and settled in, my legs became numb and I got the best couple of hours of sleep I had had in about two or three days! This time was really sweet for Joe and I. We woke up in the hospital room together and prayed, cried, listened to worship music and just meditated in the presence of the Lord! It truly is the most moving experience, sitting and feeling the intensity of how much your life will change in the matter of hours. I’m so glad I was able to be present physically during this time. It was so peaceful. We informed our families of the exciting news so they could head our way and rested through the rest of labor (lol- rested/labor). Around 12:30 on that Saturday the best and sweetest nurse who had been helping me throughout the morning told me that I was ready to start pushing. Peacefully, the sweet nurse, my husband, mother and I started the process of pushing…me doing most of the work of course. The pushing went on for some time, an hour passed and not very much progress was made. Around hour two I started to feel a lot of pressure and pain with each push/contraction. I had been so relaxed that this pain was very powerful and kind of took over my body. It was a lot of pressure. It continued till about 3:00 when I had become very exhausted at this point and asked the nurse if they could up the epidural. A very nice man came in and upped my epidural and I ended up taking a 45 minute nap. Joe took a nap with me, and when we woke up, I started pushing again.


This is when things became a little scary. After an hour of pushing again, Luna’s heart rate dropped rapidly. All of a sudden there was a doctor in the room and a team of NICU nurses surrounding me. I looked up at Joe and we both had no clue what was going on. My mom kept telling me to keep breathing, but the last thing you can do when something like this is happening is focus on your breathing. Tears filled our eyes as the sweet nurse leaned over to tell us what was going on. She calmly told me that I had to focus on my breathing, for my baby. So that’s what I did. I did everything I could to keep breathing, calmly, slowly, deeply. The doctor told me that she would be using a vacuum to try to get Luna out, but she was worried that the baby wasn’t far enough down in the birth canal to make any sort of progress. At this point, the epidural seemed to not be working any longer. With each contraction my body grew weaker and weaker. The team of people in the room kept telling me to push, and would follow with “you’re so close”. At one point I became so frustrated that I yelled “no, I’m not!”. I mean could you blame me, I had pushed for 4.5 hours and my baby was no closer to being in my arms. The pain was unbearable and the doctor told me that she wanted to try using forceps. The thought of this was awful and did not sit well in my stomach. I looked at my husband and told him I couldn’t do it any more, and my mom knew that a decision had to be made. I think that the doctor desperately wanted for me to experience this birth naturally because she knew my mom well and knew this was important, but the risk was too scary at this point. The doctor looked at my mom and asked her what she thought was best. I trusted her decision. You know, I think it is so sweet that in some ways my mother was able to guide this process. I was very hesitant about hospital births and being in the care of strangers, and it gave me and Joe so much comfort knowing that she knew what was best. I am so blessed by this.


Once the decision was made, they prepared to take me into surgery for a c-section. We couldn’t stop crying. I don’t know exactly why we cried. It might have been exhaustion, or fear. It wasn’t disappointment. My three sisters and dad came into the room at this point and we all cried and prayed and allowed the Lord to be present. It all becomes a blur to me at this point. I remember tears. I remember shaking, a lot. I remember fear. I remember this sweet lady, who prepared me for surgery, rolling me down the hallway telling me about her c-section with her two babies and that it was all going to be ok. I really don’t think anything prepares you for surgery. Nothing prepares you to loose the feeling in your body. To trust others completely with your life, with a knife and some medication. Entering into surgery wasn’t so bad. There were tugs and pulls and chatter going on between doctors and nurses and people. Yet, at one point during the surgery the doctor made an announcement to call another doctor into the operating room “stat”. The word “stat” holds a lot of meaning in this setting. It means that something has happened and there is an immidate need for assistance. I was a little out of it and wasn’t aware of this, I then looked up through glazed eyes at my husband and mother and they both had tears streaming down their faces. This whole time my mom had been my support system, reminding me that every pull and pain was normal. She had seen it a million times through and knew it was all going to be ok. But, seeing her cry was a sign to me that it might not be ok. She told me it would be ok, but I knew it might not. I was informed that the baby was stuck. The baby was stuck in my birth canal and the doctor could not pull her out. She instructed a nurse to gently push on my babies head forcing her up into the birth canal and out through the incision that was created. It felt like minutes, but in reality they only had seconds. Luna eventually emerged into this world. Quietly. Calmly. She wasn’t rushed to my chest but rather placed on the table to assure that she was in fact breathing. I remember saying “is she ok, is she ok?” and I don’t know who said it but the words “yes” echoed through the room. She was ok. Praise the Father from whom all blessings flow. He is a good good Father.


He is a good good Father for many reason. For giving Luna life. For breathing air in her lungs. For giving me her Daddy to love for the rest of my life. For giving me a husband who doesn’t leave his wife’s side until they bring the baby over to him. He was told he could go to the table but he desperately wanted us to meet her together. Oh such a sweet sweet reflection of his selfless soul. Luna was born on October 24th 2015 at 7:09pm.  After 41 weeks of waiting, 24 hours of labor, 6 hours of pushing, 45 minutes of resting, and 30 minutes preparing and enduring surgery. Our beautiful sweet Luna was born. She truly is our sweet and beautiful moon, bringing light into the dark parts of life. Joy surrounds her. From the second she entered this world our lives forever and will forever be changed.


God is good, all of the time all of the time, God is so so good.


We love you Luna Mae Huff,


Your mommy and daddy.



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