an update on us, the huffs.


I like keeping it real with people, I kind of feel like its my thing. I would never want someone to look at my life and think that girl has it ALL together, because Lord knows I don't. But, in life, I thrive to be a really authentic and genuine person with the people I let in. I think it's why my business has worked for the time that it has. I may not be the most organized, the most passionate, the most creative business owner out there, but I do feel like I pride myself deeply on connecting with the people I work with and allowing them in and giving them the place to feel themselves with me. 

So in honor of keeping it real, here is a little life update for you all. It may explain my lack of presence here lately, or maybe not, but it is what it is.

First, we're pregnant!! We are expecting another sweet baby to join our family sometime in the middle of december. After experiencing a miscarriage a year ago, it truly is such an honor to carry this baby and know that God has it in the palm of His hands. We are thankful, grateful, humbled, and excited! 


Secondly, in April we sold our first home we ever bought. It was seriously a whirlwind. We quickly realized the value of the houses in our neighborhood were on the rise and with a lot of prayer and confusion, we made the decision to place our house on the market. At the time it felt so right. People loved our house and we got an offer within a week of placing it on the market. There was a bit of a roller coaster getting to the closing of the house, but it happened and we were well, homeless. Not really, we've been living with my gracious and understanding parents for the past 3 months. Its been really good and really hard. Really good in the aspect that we have been able to save a lot of money, pay off some debt, get extra help with Luna, and just lay low for a bit. It's been really hard in the sense that we are reaching a point where we feel like we're losing hope. It feels like we will never find a home. I know it's only been three months but we have looked at so many houses and the market is just crazy and we feel so lost and like we have no sense of clarity in this whole process. We don't know where God is leading us, we don't know where we are supposed to live, we don't even know if we're supposed to be buying a home or not. It's been a really taxing season on our brains as we just don't really know where to go from here. Most days I mourn ever moving in the first place. Like maybe we didn't know how truly good we had it, and that is the lie Satan feeds me. We are currently patiently waiting on the Lord to lead this process. I would really love to find a home by September, before the craziness of fall wedding season begins and I can settle before we have another baby! You're prayers are coveted for us. I know it's really really not a big deal at all, and one day I'll look back on this time and think it was so silly for my heart to be so torn. But sometimes, that's just how life is, ya know? Sometimes you just have to trudge through the shit to get to where you're supposed to truly be. (Here are some photos the amazing Lexi of Doodle Shots took for us the day we found out we were moving, photos i'll treasure for a lifetime.) 

Lastly, I truly am a blessed woman and I do feel like I am undeserving of this life I have been given. It is a good one indeed. To be in love with a man so gracious and kind, tender and pure. To have a family that would take us in when we needed help. To be able to do a job I absolutely adore and get to stay home with my baby. To have a heavenly Father who is always way bigger than my tiny eyes can see. These are the truths I am clinging to. I am thankful for you all, that you would take the time to read these parts of my life and care. I am hopeful when it feels a little hopeless and I am grateful grateful so so grateful. 

Here's to finishing out 2017 strong!!! 


Tamra + Anthony Engaged (Vasquez Rocks, California)


Austin + Jenny (Traverse City, Michigan)